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Note : This is not the accurate Silver Rate as per Delhi Bullion Market.

This is International Bullion Rate as per International Bullion Market.

Silver Rate as per Delhi Bullion Market can be vary from this.

To get the accurate rate please call on +91-79-25357273

Gold Investment Consulting:-

We are providing consulting on Gold Investment. If you have have 0.5 Million Indian Rupees (5 Lac), metals like Gold and Silver will be very useful mean of Investment for your future. We are charging 15,000 Rs (300 $US) for 5 years. There is no obligation regarding to purchase gold from us, you can do that from your local Jewelers. Please contact us for more information on above contact number.

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Friendship bracelets are special bracelets

Friendship bracelets are special bracelets. As a symbol of friendship these bracelets are given from one friend to another. The amount of thread used in bracelets can vary. They are handmade and usually made out of embroidery floss or thread. Thicker bracelets are commonly worn by both male and female surfers. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot.

They are particularly popular with pre-teen and adolescent girls and with present-day hippies, deadheads or Rainbow Family participants. The smallest pattern, a double chain knot, requires two strings. The making of friendship bracelets is a version of macrame. Because of their versatility, they are worn by both males and females of all ages. The candystripe can have as few as three strings and as many as forty, based on pattern and thickness.

Diamonds were believed to hold medicinal value

Diamonds were believed to hold medicinal value during the Dark Ages. Square cut diamonds add a modern touch to bands, pendants and drop earrings as well. There were instructions that those suffering illnesses or having wounds should hold a diamond in the hand. And then make a sign of the cross for healing. Some even believed that ingesting diamonds could assist in recovery and even a cure from various illnesses.

Brilliant square princess cut diamonds in engagement rings and diamond stud earrings are de-rigueur. As time progressed into the Middle Ages, diamonds were more often viewed as items of value rather than items of mystical healing powers. Square cut diamonds add a modern touch to bands, pendants and drop earrings as well. As a result of the growing demand and value of diamonds, mine owners began spreading rumors that diamonds were poisonous if swallowed.

Engagement rings would be placed on the left ring-finger

An engagement ceremony would be celebrated with an established rite after families reached a marriage agreement for their children. During the ceremony engagement rings would be exchanged between boy and girl. The Romans used an ancient clasped hand design for betrothal rings.

Some antique engagement rings were made with a delicate designs using turquoise. And which is symbolized the forget-me-not flower. This "fede" or "trust" ring remained popular for centuries and is still used in jewellery. Gemstones in antique engagement rings were expensive luxuries as trade with the Middle East and Asia had not yet allowed for the flow of imported stones. In accordance to an Egyptian belief the engagement ring would be placed on the left ring-finger. They believe that very fine vein ran directly to the heart from the left finger.

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