Friendship bracelets are special bracelets Friendship bracelets are special bracelets. As a symbol of friendship these bracelets are given from one friend to another. The amount of thread used in bracelets can vary. They are handmade and usually made out of embroidery floss or thread. Thicker bracelets are commonly worn by both male and female surfers. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot.They are particularly popular with pre-teen and adolescent girls and with present-day hippies, deadheads or Rainbow Family participants. The smallest pattern, a double chain knot, requires two strings. The making of friendship bracelets is a version of macrame. Because of their versatility, they are worn by both males and females of all ages. The candystripe can have as few as three strings and as many as forty, based on pattern and thickness. A gemstone is a stone that is beautiful A gemstone is a stone that is beautiful, rare, and durable resistant to abrasion. Today, finer gemstone specimens are available to the average person than at any time in history.Nowadays such a distinction is no longer made by the trade. Rare or unusual gemstones, generally meant to include those gemstones which occur so infrequently in gem quality that they are scarcely known except to connoisseurs, include andalusite, cassiterite and bixbite. Some minerals can be very beautiful, but they may be too soft and will scratch easily (such as the mineral fluorite). Fluorite is extremely colorful and pretty but has a hardness of only 4 on the hardness scale and has four perfect cleavage directions, which makes it only an oddity as a cut gem. Diamonds boast many features Diamonds boast many features that make them stand out from other gemstones. Diamonds are now sold online at safe, reputable, and secure sites. The good news is that consumers need no longer purchase a diamond in a physical jewelry store. One of the best features is that they are naturally available in a wide range of colors, giving consumers many options when it comes to creating a customized piece of jewelry.While individuals often pay more for a fancy gemstone, white diamonds with a slight hint of color will be less expensive than truly colorless diamonds. Clarity and weight are other important qualities when it comes to diamonds. The modern diamond comes in a wide range of prices, meaning that almost anyone can afford a diamond of some kind. Unlike the brown and yellow diamonds, blue diamonds are not as common in nature.