Indian women prefer wearing either gold or glass bangles Gold has a religious connotation in India and a deep social significance. Most Indian women prefer wearing either gold or glass bangles or combination of both. Primary distinguishing factor for these is the material that is used to make the bangles. There is no place for stagnation in Indian art and craft, for although forms are repeated, they are free from imitative intent.Bangles made from lac are one of the oldest ones and among the brittle category too. Lac is clay like material which in molded in hot kilns-like places to make these bangles. Among the recent entrants are the rubber bangles that are worn more like a wrist band by youngsters while the plastic ones are there to add the trendy look. Lac bangles are made of shellac mixed with different colors to give a finest shape of bangles, using chatons, rhine sones, mirrors, beads etc. The color is the greatest difference in the metals The color is the greatest difference in the metals. The elements which include over one hundred known minerals are a diverse class when taken as a whole. The non metals are extremely diverse. Due to the diversity of the non metals subclass there is most of this diversity. The non-metals include some elements known as semi-metals who share some properties with metals but differ in other characteristics. The hardest mineral known to man is from this subclass, as well as one of the softest. The Metals Subclass and related metal alloys contains metals whose properties are rather similar due to the common way in which they crystallize and bond. Gem safari Gem Safari is in designing and manufacturing of fine gemstone silver jewellery. It is edge in making trend setting designs, keeping in mind the wearibility of the products. We have our client base spread over India. With an experience of many years as sterling silver and gemstone jewellery manufacturers, Gem Safari uses skilled craftsmen to create a beautiful range of natural gemstone studded wholesale jewellery. Essentials Jewellery has been working with sterling silver and gemstones for years and the name is synonymous with talent, innovation, professionalism and experience. We supply quality wholesale silver jewellery from India.