Friendship bracelets are special bracelets Friendship bracelets are special bracelets. As a symbol of friendship these bracelets are given from one friend to another. The amount of thread used in bracelets can vary. They are handmade and usually made out of embroidery floss or thread. Thicker bracelets are commonly worn by both male and female surfers. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot.They are particularly popular with pre-teen and adolescent girls and with present-day hippies, deadheads or Rainbow Family participants. The smallest pattern, a double chain knot, requires two strings. The making of friendship bracelets is a version of macrame. Because of their versatility, they are worn by both males and females of all ages. The candystripe can have as few as three strings and as many as forty, based on pattern and thickness. A diamond is a form of carbon A diamond is a form of carbon that was created deep within the core of the earth more than 3 billion years ago and brought to the surface by volcanic eruption. In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral structure, like a pyramid. Each link or bond is the same length, and the tetrahedral formation is therefore completely regular.Theoretically a perfect diamond crystal could be composed of one giant molecule of carbon. After the magma cooled, it solidified into kimberlite, where the precious rough diamond is still found today. It is the strength and regularity of this bonding which makes diamond very hard, non-volatile and resistant to chemical attack. Colored diamonds are also available in the market Pure diamonds are the diamonds that are typically on display at jewellery stores. Most people have at least a passing familiarity with what diamonds tend to look like. There are no impurities at all in the pure diamonds. Beautifully glistening and sparkling, the clear appearance of the gemstone is known as the stone of choice for wedding rings and engagement rings. Other types of diamonds are available in the market and they are colored diamonds.There are no impurities at all in these diamonds, and the gemstones are colorless and transparent. To pieces that feature these luxurious colored diamonds and to great effect Designer jewellers apply their skill. What gives certain diamonds their color are actual impurities and defects to the structure of the stone which impede or help in light absorption, which causes certain colors to be seen by the human eye.