Perfect gift – Jewellery boxes Is your birthday girl a glamour puss or does she love modern chic? There are many jewellery boxes, and it is important that you select the right one for the right person. To give a perfect gift you may know or you might have to do some creative investigating.You must check with friends and loved ones. After you've figured out the appropriate size, you can start shopping. Will she want a classic wood box or a hip leather style? If you choose wisely, she will be honored that you took the time to find the perfect gift. You can further endear yourself to the birthday girl by picking her favorite colors in which to wrap her jewelry box. These wholesalers do a fantastic job of creating the intricate pieces of jewelry. Make sure that you have a card affixed to your gift so that the birthday girl knows who was so thoughtful to get her the perfect jewelry box. How Durable is My Gemstone Jewellery? First of all a note about the hardness and therefore relative durability of gemstones. To measure hardness, the jewellery industry uses the Mohs scale. This gem-trade standard, conceived by Friedrich Mohs in 1812, measures the ability of a gem or mineral to resist abrasion damage.Diamond at 10 is the hardest whereas talc at 1 is the softest. Popular gemstones like amethyst and citrine register 7 whereas rubies and sapphires register 9. Most of us come off the beach on the first day with the 3 s’s all achieved - rings caked in sand, sea-salt and suntan lotion. Nude sunbathing, as far as silver and gold jewellery is concerned, is a must! Remember also that sand will scratch the surface of precious metals. Silver ornaments are trendy and simple Silver ornaments are trendy and simple. That’s why they are most popular in youngsters. Youngsters love to wear silver jewellery. You can have varieties of designs, both traditional and modern in silver. Most silver jewellery is costly so they cannot be worn on all occasions. Silver is wearable at all occasions and suits every dress you wear unlike gold, the richer cousin of silver.In today’s age of economic crisis and recession people are trying to cut down on their expenditure. They are neither heavy nor gaudy like gold Jewellery. The first thing that people curtail is their tendency to buy Jewellery. They are the most authentic name in silver Jewellery industry. It is also very popular metal for most designer and fashion jewelry. The price of the silver jewelry is most affected by a design and skills of a craftsperson.