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Gold Headed Beyond $500 This Year!



• From the $258 low in 2001, gold is up 65%.
• In 2004 gold prices rose 5.3%.
• Gold profits totaled 21.2% in 2003.
• Gold generated 24% profits in 2002.

In 2004, gold traded in a range from $375 to $454. Anyone who bought gold on dips under $400, as we recommended, found gold quite rewarding.

In the month's ahead, we again feel that buying gold on unexpected dips is the most likely way to take advantage of the market. Look for every buying opportunity in this bull market for gold!

Now that we've shown that "Gold is the proven profit generator..." we may surprise you by saying, that in 2005 more people are likely to acquire gold for financial insurance than for profits.
Watch Inflation, Mounting Debt & the Falling Dollar
Life Fortunes May Be At Risk in 2005

It didn't take long for oil prices to kick back up to six week highs over $48, raising new fears of a coming wave of inflation. From the Washington Post to Time magazine the question, "Is Inflation Back?" is being asked. We already see 4% to 6% inflation last year driven by rising energy prices and skyrocketing raw material costs.

Why Fear Inflation?
Nobody likes inflation. We don't like rising gas prices, high electricity costs or heating bills. We don't like to see food prices go high either. Now this is really "price inflation" – when things we buy cost us more. But, according to Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary published in 1983–

Inflation is, "An increase in the amount of currency in circulation, resulting in a relatively sharp and sudden fall in its value and rise in prices: it may be caused by an increase in the volume of paper money issued..."

That means that stuff cost us more today because the Federal reserve has been running the printing presses day and night printing fiat paper money. In fact, they have literally flooded the world with paper dollars since 9/11. To keep U.S. consumers borrowing and spending, the Federal Reserve even lowered interest rates to 40-year lows.

Market intervention is risky, yet the Federal Reserve continues to support the stock market bubble and has now created a huge housing bubble. Real estate prices and home building materials are overpriced and poised to go ownhill as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates. As always, manipulations of the economy will overcorrect.

As this Austin Report continues, we'll explain how you can avoid losing money in the correction and actually generate substantial profits if you own the right kind of assets in the year to come.
Profit from Rising Inflation
Take Advantage of the Timing & Buy More Gold

In recent months, the Federal Reserve has just started raising interest rates to fight inflation. Unfortunately, winning the inflation battle long-term is something almost impossible to do since 1973. That was when President Nixon first removed the U.S. Dollar from the Gold Standard.

In 1973 inflation rates doubled to 6.3% and peaked at 11.0% in 1974 Inflation slowed to 9.1% in 1975. But by 1979, 80, and 81 inflation rates rose to 11.3%, 13.5%, and 10.3% respectively.

The 1970's was period of historic importance to anyone thinking about buying gold today. It was a time when inflation was beyond government control and a period where gold prices rose dramatically.

• In the period of 1970 to 1975, gold prices soared five-fold.
• From 1977 to 1979, gold prices doubled again.
• Gold peaked at $850/oz in January of 1981.

In the face of rising inflation from 1970 to 1980, the worldwide price of gold increased 1,704%.
Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
Avg Annual
Price of Gold
35.94 40.80 58.16 97.32 159.26 161.02 124.84 147.71 193.22 306.68 612.56
Sources: London Gold Prices and
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The Gold Information Network has prepared information on this site for the private use of our readers. The information herein is obtained from a variety of sources that the Gold Information Network believes to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or that information has not been condensed or may be incomplete. All opinions expressed by the editors of the Gold Information Network and those expressing opinions are subject to change without notice. The information about future predictions, projections, or financial advice could prove to be unprofitable. This firm is specifically in the business of selling gold jewellery, coins & gold bars to the public and offers its opinions from that viewpoint. We generally make available news and opinions that relate positively to our markets and do not seek to present a balanced view of the investment markets. We advise that you seek out information from a variety of news sources before making any investment decisions. It’s important to always remember that past performance is no guarantee of future value. These investment products may not be suitable for every individual as the value of gold, silver, and rare coins go down as well as up in value

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