Indian women prefer wearing either gold or glass bangles Gold has a religious connotation in India and a deep social significance. Most Indian women prefer wearing either gold or glass bangles or combination of both. Primary distinguishing factor for these is the material that is used to make the bangles. There is no place for stagnation in Indian art and craft, for although forms are repeated, they are free from imitative intent.Bangles made from lac are one of the oldest ones and among the brittle category too. Lac is clay like material which in molded in hot kilns-like places to make these bangles. Among the recent entrants are the rubber bangles that are worn more like a wrist band by youngsters while the plastic ones are there to add the trendy look. Lac bangles are made of shellac mixed with different colors to give a finest shape of bangles, using chatons, rhine sones, mirrors, beads etc. Diamond jewellery is also used for wedding gifts Diamond rings are preferred over the simple gold rings on engagements . Diamond jewellery is also used for wedding gifts and other special gifts as diamonds represent love and purity. While in branded jewellery it is the responsibility of the well reputed manufacturers to provide quality stones because you trust them.When it comes to buying pendants women are crazy about the heart shaped diamond pendants. A princess cut may suit her if she likes square shapes. While shopping for diamonds ensure the 4Cs, namely cut, clarity, and color and carat size and keep your budget in mind. Girls always love to have those stylish watches having both colorless and colored diamonds. About Gemstone Gems are silicates which can be very stable, hard minerals. Like gemstones, one of the characteristics of a precious metal is its rarity. A few gems are oxides and only one gem, diamond, is composed of a single element, carbon. Often, new names will be created for ordinary sounding minerals which sound prettier or more valuable, such as Moldavite for the green variety of tektites.It could not be "precious" if it were common! This means that the metal must be malleable, that it can be bent, hammered, or otherwise shaped. Two other characteristics are also important. There are also many gemstones that are not true minerals, but which are gemstone varieties of recognized minerals.